Descriptive Reflection: Self-intro Letter

 Dear Prof Brad, 

I am writing this introductory letter about myself to give you a description of my background in detail. My name is Rudy Ehsan bin Alis Haizan and I am currently a first-year student in Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), enrolled in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering (MDME) degree program. I graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in 2019 with a diploma in mechanical engineering. I decided to pursue my engineering studies purely because I did not know what my passion was. Honestly, I am currently still searching for what I want to do in the future. I am hoping that I will figure it out during this period of study of my degree program.

In terms of my communicative abilities, I feel able to communicate confidently. I have had experience in secondary school years conducting daily morning assembly announcements and emceeing in multiple school events. Although able to speak in front of large groups of people, I have difficulty speaking freely and meeting new people. Without a script or an agenda to follow, I am unable to effectively communicate with others if it relies on my own improvisation. I will tend to stutter and be unable to think properly. I hope to overcome these difficulties by the end of this module in critical thinking and communication.  

Overall, I feel like I am a happy go lucky guy. I do not specifically have a plan in life, and I live daily. It may honestly not be an effective way to live life and I too would agree, but my current goal is to live daily, happily.  

I am looking forward to this module in critical thinking and communication as it does give me a break from all the technical engineering modules.  

Kind Regards, 

Rudy Ehsan  


  1. It is one of the best self introductions I have read so far. Not only because of the professional content and appropriate language used, but also because there is no grammar problem. I leant so much about how to right a good article from it.

    1. Thanks for the comments, Chris. Will try to keep it up.

  2. A very good write-up for the first paragraph. The key points and content are clear, concise and interesting to read. The language used can be easily understood with some minor sentence fragments.

    1. Thanks for the comments and feedback, will look through and revise the errors.

    2. Edited, thanks for pointing out the error.

  3. Dear Rudy,

    Thank you for the assignment post and the honest sharing. I appreciate the content aligned with the brief and clear organization. It's interesting when you state that you're not sure of your direction yet. I can easily relate because, though I majored first in psychology, then in literature, it wasn't until I had graduated with a degree in lit and started teaching business communication that I realized how much I enjoyed the work. I'm always a bit surprised when others find it so easy to know what they want to do at 'an early age.' The key is to finish this first degree and see what the next step holds. I agree that happiness is vital.

    One point I have to wonder about in this letter is why there is no greeting/saluation. You know that is standard practice. It's amazing too that your readers didn't take note.

    In any case, I look forward to learning more about yout his term.



    1. Hello Sir,

      Thank you for the comments and for relating to my issue of figuring out what my passion is. I really do feel that I should have figured it out sooner but yet here I am. Thank you for assuring that I still do have time to find my passion and also for the advice to finish my degree first. Regarding the salutation, it is written at the top but the colour of the font matches the background. I do apologise for not spotting that after my post and I will find a way to rectify that.

      Rudy Ehsan

    2. Edited to show salutations clearly.

  4. Rudy has made his points clear as well as provided relevant experiences to help his readers understand better. He keeps the flow of his letter consistent and easy to read. Appreciate the honesty when it comes to sharing his personal experiences.

    1. Hello Hong Xian, thank you for your comments. I do appreciate the kind words and feedback. Thanks!

  5. The contents and the main points of Rudy's email is very interesting, clear and concise. He also gave relevant details to each point and I learnt a lot about Rudy.


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